Immortal Episode

Change in the Fishing Industry

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un put forward the fishing sector as a major field for improving the people’s standard of living, and led the efforts to decisively boost the fishing industry of the country and thus usher in a new history of “golden seas”.

When he visited a fishery station in November 2014, he went on board Tanphung 2-04, which had just returned to the station with a full load, and said to officials that he was very pleased to see the hold filled with fish and that he felt full even though he had not eaten them.

When he visited the Sinpho Deep-Sea Fishery Complex in May 2015, he said that the complex should naturally take the lead in the struggle to open up a new history of “golden seas,” as it was more closely associated with the leadership exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il than any other unit in the fishing industry.

I intend to be the honorary manager of the complex and shore it up ahead of its counterparts, and it is the firm determination and will of the Party to create a new history of “golden seas” and thus supply a large amount of fish to enrich the people’s diet, he added.

Then he earnestly said: The new history of “golden seas” is not something we can create by merely hoping for it or shouting slogans about it; every one of us should turn out in support of the Party’s leadership and open it up by our own technology and our own efforts.

When visiting a fishery station in November 2018, he got aboard Hwanggumhae-014 and congratulated its captain and fishermen on their return to port with a big haul. Then, saying that he was very pleased to see fish being scooped up from the vessel and poured out to the outdoor landing ground, he had a photo taken with the fishermen and other employees against the background of the scene.

Kim Jong Un set it as an important issue for rapidly developing the fishing industry in the shortest possible time to further consolidate its material and technical foundations and wisely led the work of building new modern fishing bases.

Under his leadership, the January 8 Fishery station was built as a model of fishery stations, which is fully equipped with all conditions and environment necessary for the production and the fishermen’s living.

In April 2014 Kim Jong Un inspected the station prior to its inauguration. Looking round the station, he said that he was very pleased to think that another asset had been provided for the coming generations, and stressed the need to launch a more intensive drive for fishing so as to provide more fish to the people and thereby ensure that the cheering for socialism and the Workers’ Party started resounding at their dining tables.

When he visited the station again in November 2018, he, saying that it was the fishery station he attached the greatest importance to, expressed expectation and conviction that its officials and fishermen would create new innovations in the vanguard of the country with a high sense of dignity and pride as performers of an honorable duty.

Kim Jong Un paid special attention to the building of the Kumsanpho Fish Pickling Factory, the first of its kind in the country, and the Kumsanpho Fishery Station.

When he visited their construction sites in March 2015, he took concrete measures for building all the construction objects well so that they would be impeccable even by the standards of the distant future, and personally named them.

When visiting them in January 2017, he said that now that the factory and the fishery station had been built excellently, the relevant sector and their officials and employees should fulfil their duty so as to make a positive contribution to improving the people’s diet.

In August 2018 Kim Jong Un visited the factory again, and said that as it was a pioneer of the fish-pickling industry in the country, it should become a factory that could bring substantial benefits to the people by establishing a proper strategy for business operation and working hard to improve the taste of pickled fish and increase its variety.

Kim Jong Un also saw to it that the fishing sector pushed ahead with the work of building many modern fishing vessels and, at the same time, modernizing existing vessels as an immediate task.

The success worthy of note was that the fishing sector built in 2015 scores of fishing vessels and a factory for producing various kinds of fishing implements needed for fishing and aquaculture, greeting the 70th founding anniversary of the WPK.

When giving field guidance to the newly-built general fishing implement factory in July 2016, Kim Jong Un said that satisfactory supply of various kinds of fishing implements badly needed for fishing and aquaculture was directly related to the improvement of the people’s diet and that the officials and employees of the factory should make a positive contribution to opening up the history of “golden seas.”

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